Three-star hotel Follonica, sea, Tuscany
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3-star hotel in Follonica, sea, Tuscany

Venturina SPA

20 min.

The spas are a short distance from the historic route via Aurelia. The place is probably the same of the Baths of Populonia, quoted by historical sources as employees important Etruscan city situated on the coast.

Water of the source of Caldana, used for thermal treatments at today’s establishment valley of the sun, has the character and eminently sulphur springs in 45°c by a crater and from various wells.

Water of the source of Canneto, at 34°c, is used instead for the great food thermal swimming pool with slides, and bathing facilities.

The establishment, where making mud-balneoterapie and inhalations, has also a bar and restaurant; the same also produces its own cosmetic line for face and body.


Canneto. 34 °C solfato-calcico-magnesiaco-bicarbonata.
The therapeutic indications

Diseases of the liver and biliary tract, digestive system, locomotor apparatus, respiratory system.
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